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Miyerkules, Enero 11, 2017


Dylann Roof Sentenced To Death

Charleston, South Carolina - Twelve government members of the jury said Tuesday that Dylann Roof, the man who killed nine individuals in a 2015 slaughter at a generally dark Charleston, South Carolina, church, ought to be executed.

The 10 ladies and two men prescribed capital punishment for every one of the 18 considers that conveyed that a conceivable sentence.

Roof will turn into the main government detest wrongdoing litigant to be sentenced to death, a Justice Department representative said.

Judge Richard Gergel will formally sentence Roof on Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. ET. Rooftop, who spoke to himself amid the punishment stage, advised Gergel he needed to record a movement for new legal counselors. Gergel said Roof can contend that on Wednesday yet he is not slanted to give that a chance to happen.

A gathering of safeguard lawyers and other people who chipped away at Roof's sake issued an announcement, saying capital punishment choice means the case won't be over for "very long time."

"We are sorry that, despite our best efforts, the legal proceedings have shed so little light on the reasons for this tragedy," the announcement said.

The jurors did not take a gander at Roof when they came in with the decision. A few looked toward the casualties' families.

It was tranquil in the court. There was no stable originating from the numerous relatives.

Roof, who was confronting far from the media, did not seem to demonstrate any response to the decision.

A portion of the general population in the exhibition were spotting their eyes. A few relatives of those executed delicately put their arms around each other.

Today we had justice for my sister (Cynthia Hurd)," Melvin Graham told journalists. "This is a very hollow victory, because my sister is still gone. I wish that this verdict could have brought her back. But what it can do is just send a message to those who feel the way he feels that this community will not tolerate it." Graham said he simply needs mass killings to stop.

"Every time I hear about a shooting I want to cry," he said. "We have to stand together."

Roof's family said they will dependably adore him.

"We will struggle as long as we live to understand why he committed this horrible attack, which caused so much pain to so many good people," they added. "We wish to express the grief we feel for the victims of his crimes, and our sympathy to the many families he has hurt."

The judge, who is bound by the jury's choice, complimented the attendants and said they made a sublime showing with regards to.

Prosecutors called the choice an aftereffect of diligent work and said it was a "fair and just process."

US Attorney Beth Drake said Roof fizzled at his endeavor to part individuals by race.

"Contrary to Roof's desire to sow the seeds of hate, his acts did not tear this community apart," she said. "Instead of agitating racial tensions as he had hoped, Roof's deadly attack inside Mother Emanuel became an attack on all of us, and the community stood in solidarity."

Roof: I had no way out

Prior to the jury pondered his destiny for three hours, Roof told the jury despite everything he feels he had no real option except to kill nine individuals at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in June 2015.

"In my confession to the FBI I told them that I had to do it, and obviously that's not really true. ... I didn't have to do anything," Roof said as he made his own particular five-minute shutting contention in the punishment period of his government trial. "But what I meant when I said that was, I felt like I had to do it, and I still do feel like I had to do it."

Be that as it may, he likewise had recommended he'd get a kick out of the chance to be saved.

"From what I've been told, I have a right to ask you to give me a life sentence, but I'm not sure what good that will do anyway," Roof said. "But what I will say is only one of you has to disagree with the other jurors."

His announcement took after a prosecutor's ardent, two-hour contention in a Charleston court asking legal hearers to give Roof capital punishment rather than their other alternative, life in jail without probability of parole.

Jurors indicted Roof, an admitted racial oppressor, a month ago of government murder and abhor violations charges.

The arraignment and resistance rested in the punishment stage on Monday, concluding days of lamentable declaration from family and companions of casualties who were killed.

Prosecutors contended that he's a computing executioner who merits capital punishment due to his thought process, his absence of regret and the shooting's effect on the victims' families.

Prosecutor helps members of the jury to remember horrifying points of interest

In his end contention Tuesday morning, Assistant US Attorney Jay Richardson portrayed the lives of every one of the nine casualties, referred to Roof's "racist hatred" and helped the members of the jury to remember the declaration and confirmation that indicted him:

• Roof was at the congregation three past circumstances to scout his objective.

• He sat with the gathering for 40 minutes before shooting.

• He pulled the trigger  "more than 75 times ... reloading seven times" as he remained over his casualties, shooting them more than once.

• He "showed not one ounce of remorse."

• Richardson alluded to what Roof had told examiners in a recorded meeting: That "somebody had to do it," in part because "black people are killing white people every day."

"Those are the words of an extraordinary racist who believed it was justified," Richardson said.

Roof's jailhouse diary

Prior in the punishment stage, prosecutors displayed prove that included chilling compositions from a jailhouse diary Roof composed after the assault.

"I would like to make it crystal clear. I do not regret what I did," Roof wrote in the journal. "I am not sorry. I have not shed a tear for the innocent people I killed."

Companions and relatives of casualties killed in the shooting gave enthusiastic declaration in court before Tuesday, some of them crying on the stand.

As they presented their defense, prosecutors played frequenting recordings of the casualties lecturing, supplicating and singing.

Roof, 22, did not address witnesses, but rather recorded a few movements protesting that their declaration had been excessively enthusiastic.

In his brief opening articulation a week ago, he told members of the jury that he doesn't have emotional wellness issues.

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